3 Things You Need To Do After Being Involved In A Slip And Fall Accident
Posted on: 19 December 2018
While shopping at a local store, you may have slipped on an unmarked wet area, causing you to injure yourself. If you are faced with this situation and are already thinking about bringing a suit against the store for your injuries, make sure you do the following right after being involved in the slip and fall accident.
Ask for Emergency Medical Treatment
Even if you think you can get up and walk around, stay where you are and ask for emergency medical treatment. There are a couple of reasons why you need to do this instead of deciding to wait until later.
First, since your adrenaline is pumping, you may not realize the seriousness of your injuries. If you get up and start walking around on an injured back or after a head injury, your condition may worsen.
Second, if you are planning to file a suit against the store and do not request treatment, this could come off as a sign that your injuries were not that serious. Then, if you see the doctor later on in the day or the following day, the store may try to say that you hurt yourself after the accident.
Have Someone Take Pictures of the Scene
While you are waiting for the ambulance to arrive, have someone take pictures of the scene. This can either be the person with which you were shopping or a bystander that has offered to help.
Taking pictures of the scene while you are still in it helps to give your attorney a full idea of the conditions surrounding your fall. This visual representation helps the lawyer build a case and may increase your chances of winning the suit.
Request a Copy of the Surveillance Video
Along with pictures of the scene, you should go ahead and also request a copy of the store's surveillance video. Again, have someone obtain a copy while you are being tended to by the paramedics.
If you wait to request a copy of the video, the store may alter or erase the portion showing your fall, especially if they know that they are in the wrong. Requesting the video immediately does not give them time to do this.
Making sure you take the above actions after falling can help increase your chances of winning a settlement against the store where your accident occurred. For more information and guidance, set up an appointment for a consultation with a slip and fall attorney.