• When Claim Problems Dog Your Workers' Compensation Case

    When workers' compensation insurance works properly, it provides hurt workers with a valuable asset. If hurt on the job, you can expect to have your medical needs totally covered. If you are ordered to stay home and recuperate, you are entitled to a partial disability wage while you doing so. Unfortunately, workers' compensation insurance companies can be difficult to work with and problems can occur. To find out about those problems and what to do when you encounter them, read on.
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  • Why You Should Hire An Attorney To Defend You After Being Arrested For Drunk Driving

    Drunk driving charges are serious and should be taken as such. You do not want to take such charges lightly, and you will want to make sure that you have an attorney by your side throughout your entire case. Too many people make the mistake of assuming that this a legal matter that they can handle on their own. However, with so much on the line, such as your freedom, you will want to let a drunk driving attorney assist you.
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  • Ways To Increase The Likelihood Of Having Your Workers' Comp Claim Approved

    When you are injured at work, you certainly deserve compensation. Unfortunately, a lot of people end up having their claims denied, which results in them not getting the money they need to live comfortably. You can appeal a denied workers' comp claim, but that takes time, and while you're waiting and hoping that your appeal will be approved, you may struggle to pay your bills. So you really want to do everything possible to ensure your workers' comp claim is approved the first time.
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  • Factors That Determine The Multiplier For Personal Injury Damages

    If you are pursuing a personal injury case, you have or will soon hear of the "multiplier." The multiplier is a figure that you multiply with your special damages (actual damages) to get the total damages that include the pain and suffering. Multipliers range from 1.5 to 5, though they can sometimes go as high as 6 or 7. The following are some of the factors that determine the multiplier for a personal injury case.
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  • 3 Reasons To Hire An Attorney When Defending Against An Automotive Accident Case

    If you're involved in an accident on the road, the other driver may feel like you're responsible. If they are trying to pursue legal action against you, hire a personal injury defense attorney. They can help you through this legal defense process in the following ways.  Collect Tangible Evidence  If you want to look favorably in court and thus get off all charges, you need tangible proof showing that you didn't cause the auto accident.
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  • Do You Need A Police Report For Your Car Accident?

    Not every car accident is a fiery crash that ends with serious injuries or fatalities. Most accidents that occur in the United States are, in fact, relatively minor incidents. These could simply be getting hit from behind at a stop light, or something else that only causes cosmetic damage. Many drivers will walk away from such an incident without bothering to get a police report. However, this can be a huge mistake on your part.
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  • Going Through A Workers Compensation Claim

    Today, close to 150 million people are covered by worker's compensation insurance policies. Workers comp insurance is a staple of business since companies need coverage for when their employees suffer injuries while at work. Having this insurance also makes sure that people who get hurt actually get paid, so they can rest up, address their wounds and take the necessary time off.  If you ever need to get back on your feet after a job accident, put these workers compensation suggestions to use.
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  • Sue Them! Understanding Personal Injury Lawsuits

    When another party has caused you harm, you have the right to seek justice in court. Most people have only the fuzziest of ideas about what it means to take someone to court, and that lack of understanding might make them less likely to take on the task. You should understand that a personal injury attorney can advise you on your best course of action and lead you through the process.
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  • Is There A Way To Seek Justice After Dealing With Slander And Defamation?

    While most people think of personal injuries as physical injuries a person can sustain after getting into a car accident or slipping on ice and falling to the ground, defamation and slander fall under the personal injury category and are serious accusations to make against another person. You may have suffered tremendously at the hands of another person who felt the need to slander your name in some way or another, causing you to lose out on numerous opportunities while dealing with threats from others because of what was said about you, all of which was false.
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  • 2 Things To Know Before You File A Wrongful Death Suit

    If you have lost a loved one because they died in an accident, there are things that you can do. One of those things is to sue the person who was responsible for their death in a wrongful death suit. If you are going to do that, then there are things that you need to know before you start.  Crime Victim If your loved one was a victim of a crime and they died because of it, but their alleged attacker was acquitted, you can still file a wrongful death lawsuit against them.
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