• Mediation: All You Need To Know

    If you want to pursue compensation for your personal injury but do not want to go through court, mediation is one option to consider. For many people, the process of going to court is too upsetting and traumatizing. Mediation lets you have a say in how the dispute is settled. The following are some things you need to know: Understanding Mediation Mediation is a process in which you and the defendant come together with your attorneys and a neutral third-party who will act as the mediator in the case.
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  • What Type Of Compensation Can You Expect In A Wrongful Death Case?

    If you lost a loved one and plan to file a wrongful death lawsuit, you need to be aware of the different types of compensation to which you are entitled. The compensation will vary in different states. You may also receive capped compensation to a specific amount. The following are some of the different types of compensation you can get in a wrongful death lawsuit: Monetary Compensation Monetary compensation, also known as economic damages, are those which include financial contributions or obligations the family of the deceased would have had access to had the death not occurred.
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  • Personal Injury Concepts You Need To Know

    The notion of a personal injury in American law is based on two core ideas. The first is that each of us has what's called a duty of care, a responsibility to ensure that we don't cause others to come to hard because of negligence, recklessness or malice. The second is that when people are harmed under such circumstances that they're owed some sort of compensation. As we expand beyond those bedrock principles, we find many other personal injury law concepts that can be difficult for the layperson to understand.
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  • Steps To Take To Avoid An Auto Accident This Holiday Season

    Auto accidents increase over the holiday season. There are many reasons for this increase. If you are going to be out driving, here are a few steps you can take to decrease your chances of being involved in an auto accident this holiday season.  Don't Drive If You Are Tired By now, everyone knows that you should not drink and drive, but driving while you are tired can also increase your risk of being involved in an accident.
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  • How Specific Should An Accident Attorney's Practice Be?

    When we picture lawyers who take on cases involving vehicle incidents, we tend to imagine the car accident attorney who's always on all of our local TV channels with ads. There is, however, a surprisingly high degree of specialization within the field. If your case seems rather unique, you may want to think about hiring a professional whose practice is more focused for the following reasons. Familiarity with How Accidents Happen
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  • The Main Stages Of A Car Accident Claim

    If you had never been involved in a car accident until now, you might feel uncertain as to how to go about settling this claim. If you feel this way, it is important to understand that there are stages involved with settling a car accident claim, and here are the main stages you should know about. Step 1: Get all the medical help you need Within minutes after the accident occurs, police and ambulances will likely arrive to help settle the scene and treat injuries of anyone involves.
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  • 3 Things You Need To Do After Being Involved In A Slip And Fall Accident

    While shopping at a local store, you may have slipped on an unmarked wet area, causing you to injure yourself. If you are faced with this situation and are already thinking about bringing a suit against the store for your injuries, make sure you do the following right after being involved in the slip and fall accident. Ask for Emergency Medical Treatment Even if you think you can get up and walk around, stay where you are and ask for emergency medical treatment.
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  • Do You Really Know The Truth About DUI Charges?

    Being charged with a DUI is probably one of your worst nightmares, but it is a situation you can work through with the help of a competent DUI lawyer. However, the process will go more smoothly if you are well aware of how DUI charges are handled and your options in court. Sadly, a lot of the common "information" circulated about DUIs is more myth than fact. Here are a few examples of DUI myths that aren't true.
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  • Was Your Spinal Fusion Mishap Medical Malpractice?

    Did you recently undergo a spinal fusion? Did you come out of the procedure with serious issues, like a broken vertebrae or damaged nerves? For most people, a spinal fusion can be a helpful and life-changing procedure. It involves the fusing of two or more vertebrae together, which can provide strength and stability to the spine. That can resolve serious spinal issues and help you move with more comfort. It can also reduce the odds of immobility or paralysis in later years.
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