Assigning A Dollar Sign To Pain And Suffering

Posted on: 15 December 2018

Getting hurt in a car wreck can mean being eligible for many categories of compensation. Most of these categories are easily equated to dollars and cents. For example, your medical bills and lost wages can be translated into a dollar figure. Pain and suffering presents a challenge, however. Read on to learn more about how this particular and unique category of personal injury damages is usually calculated. What is Pain and Suffering?
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The 4 Most Important Tips For Applying For Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)

Posted on: 13 December 2018

Now that the news of your permanent disability has had time to sink in, it is time to think about applying for disability payments. Since the process isn't quick nor is it simple, it is vital you follow each of these four important tips. Tip #1: Know Whether You Should Apply for SSI or SSDI There are two different federal government programs for people who become permanently disabled. They are known as SSI (Supplemental Security Income) and SSDI (Social Security Disability Insurance).
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3 Things Uninsured Drivers Need To Know When An Accident Occurs

Posted on: 12 December 2018

From paying for medical care for you, passengers, and any other drivers involved to dealing the financial stress of repairs and traffic violations, not having insurance can be overwhelming when you're involved in an accident. Thankfully, help is available if you were recently involved in an automobile accident that will be costly. Here are a few tips for handling the stress when you are in an accident without insurance. If The  Accident Is Not Your Fault
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The Top Duties Your Lawyer Has When Handling Your Car Accident Case

Posted on: 10 December 2018

Settling a car accident case all by yourself is not usually a good way to handle this type of event, and this is primarily because you probably do not fully understand your rights and the legal issues related to the settlement. Because of this, you should really consider hiring a personal injury lawyer for help, as a lawyer will offer the legal advice and assistance you need. If you hire a lawyer for help, here are some of the top duties he or she will have when helping you settle a car accident case.
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